Do you know if your company’s website displays properly on a tablet.
Does it showcase your company properly and professionally?
Have you checked on multiple platforms, including at the very least Android and iOS?
What about additional platforms, such as Windows 8 and Windows RT’s Internet Explorer 10? Blackberry?
Don’t let your business fall behind the curve and settle for second best.
That is where a mobile strategy comes in to play. Face it, every few months the numbers speak to the sheer volume of mobile handsets that are being shipped. These devices are not just for calling or even just text messages. Smart mobile devices can access the Internet, run productivity applications, conduct business, and even make payments. Can a consumer buy something on your site if they use it? Can a consumer buy something comfortably? A website designed for a desktop computer or laptop can position a number of buttons on the screen because there is far more real estate to work with than on a mobile phone. Mobile users will have to use gestures to stretch the screen displayed content to get what they want. How uncomfortable! An attractive and professional mobile version is optimized for touch. Mobile sites can supplement an existing desktop version, just as a mobile version that works well with 7 inch screens and 10 inch screens.
Then there are mobile apps. Maybe for your business, you would like to send mobile coupons or use location services to obtain analytics on your fans? What state are they from? What coupons excite them? If your company needs a more powerful solution that offers additional features such as Internet push communication or database storage, a mobile app might be right for you.
Whatever you do, don’t put your head in the sand and not develop some kind of strategy to take advantage of all the users that are not upgrading their mobile lives. Find a solution and mobile strategy that works for your business.