Favorite music service?

What is your favorite music service?

A. Spotify

B. Pandora

C. Vevo

D. Youtube

E. Other

So many to choose from. Some offer better support for music videos. While others are better at suggesting playlists or recommending new artists. People generally like music and prefer to have an experience that supports the needs of the particular music lover. Which app does this for you? Which is your favorite music service?

Favorite App Store?

What is your favorite app store?

A. Amazon

B. Apple App Store

C. Windows Store

D. Google Play

E. Other

The reason we want to hear from you is because available resources is a limiting factor in what products we can produce. Therefore, those resources need to be spent wisely. So it is definitely helpful to know which stores to target.

This might sound like a silly question considering for a while now that the top store was the iOS app store. However, Google Play has grown exponentially. And despite criticism of Windows 8, by going after the app market, Windows is going to develop into a strong player over time.

Which sport do you watch most using your mobile devices?

A. Golf

B. Basketball

C. Soccer

D. Football

E. Hockey

F. Rugby

G. Cricket

H. Lacrosse

I. Baseball

J. Other

K. I don’t

The reason this question make sense to ask is because there are a number of websites and apps in development to offer more sports content than what is currently available from networks. Some of it is local sports, while some of it is in the X games category. Regardless, the traditional business model of cable television is insufficient for meeting all users needs. All you have to do is look at the number of Millenials and frugal minded people cutting their cable packages to realize that the status quo is not going to continue in perpetuity.

Smartphones: What is the preferable size?

What is the perfect sized smart phone?

A. Bigger the better

B. Can fit in my pocket

C. Can fit in my bag

Are larger phones popular because they contain better hardware or offer a better experience? Do larger phones feel better because of psychological factors (natural presumptions related to a larger container holding more value)?

What motivates you? Let us know!