Speculation begins concerning advertisements on Tumblr

Yes. There will be ads. For what Yahoo paid for it, Yahoo would be foolish not to monetize Tumblr to recoup their investment. It is also a trap that can lead to Tumblr becoming a ghost town. Hopefully, Marissa Mayer means it when she states that ads will be tasteful. Sprinkle too many and the counter culture and millenials will eventually find new pastures. Restrict content and they will feel repressed. Proceed with caution because the task at hand will not be easy.


Sony vs Microsoft: XBOX One vs Playstation

This is a win-win for consumers. These two companies are aggressively trying to evolve the entertainment experience consumers have with gaming and entertainment as a whole. Exciting new hardware, cloud services, and more horsepower to power the next generation of games creates an exciting drama to be played out for years to come.


Star Wars vs Star Trek Tech

With Star Trek Into Darkness coming out on the heels of the announcement that there will be more Star Wars films, the comparison between the two sci fi properties is inevitable. Whose tech is better?


In terms of tech, Star Trek is probably more science fiction, whereas Star Wars is more mythology that happens to involve sophisticated machinery and technology. Case in point, despite the power of the force and advanced medicine, why did Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker have to have artificial, robotic hands. Where is the 3D printing, cloning or growing a new hand? The reason is probably because it adds to the legend and renown of the two characters. Being made hole would not add to the theater and drama of the story.

Also, in terms of propulsion, Star Trek uses worm holes and warping. Star Wars breaks the speed of light (impossible).

Which do you prefer: Chrome or Android?

A. Neither. I use iOS, Windows, Blackberry or other.

B. Chrome. It just works.

C. Android. I can have the Chrome browser on it (why choose?)

D. What is the difference?

Whether or not you like either product, they are certainly different products that offer value propositions to a variety of consumers. Maybe they do not need the integrated hardware and software experience Apple offers. Perhaps, they do not need legacy support for documents or gaming capabilities from a Windows PC.

If you like one or the other, or both, tell us. If you feel you don’t need one but prefer the other, again let us know.

Do you have plans to purchase a smart tv?

A. Price needs to come down first.

B. Have no need.

C. Duh! I own one.

D. No opinion.

E. Top choice when I replace my current tv.

It is not as simple as picking the biggest screen. Resolution, HD (1080 vs 720), refresh rate (60Hz or higher?), pixel density, connection types (plug in to your computer? HDMI? DVI?) are all important considerations. Plus, now that some sets can connect to the Internet, the experience you can have watching programming can vary quite a bit. Plus, did I say apps? Some sets now come with ones preloaded, while others can be upgraded with apps available from the manufacturer (or a marketplace). Also, add in their the ability to get voice recognition or gesture detection and the simple television is now an entertainment center. Which will choose? What is important to you? We want to hear from you.

How do you feel about wearable tech?

A. Too much technology.

B. It is a fad.

C. Awesome. I feel superhuman!

D. It makes me more productive or efficient. I am content.

E. No opinion.

Someone said that tablets were a fad. Is wearable tech a fad too? Tell us how you feel about the products in the pipeline and what you think about having a different relationship with the technology that makes us more productive and keeps us in touch with those we care about.