Preferred Search Engine

Which is your preferred search engine?

Google has the largest market share and has a very high percentage of web traffic routed through it. However, is Google your preferred search engine? There are a lot of competitors out there and a lot of choice. This is the reality even though it feels like Google is the only game in town. For starters, Yahoo is the top destination on the web, neck and neck with Google. Yahoo search is powered by Bing, and Bing is a busy destination for a lot of visitors on the web. is an option many of us encounter when we update Java on our PCs. And now we have options like SIRI and other search assistants. What is your opinion?

  • A. Google
  • B.
  • C. BING
  • D. I prefer voice assistants like SIRI
  • E. Yahoo
  • F. You mean there are other ones besides Google?

What makes your choice your preferred search engine? Is it about ease of use? How about auto-fill with suggested search selections? Does it make it easier to find the businesses you want to deal with? What makes a search engine valuable to you and how does it improve your ability to get the information you need to be more productive?