SEO promises too good to be true

Seen an ad saying that it is guaranteed that your company will show up on page 1 in Google or Bing? Couple hundred bucks for page 1, sounds like a great deal, right? Search Engine Optimization at the push of a button, for a few bucks? Unless this is a paid ad, this promise is too good to be true. Many companies automated operations for SEO that worked with previous algorithms for the major search engines. With the Panda and Penguin updates for Google and changes made to Bing, these strategies not only don’t work, older strategies such as linking your website to directories or websites that are nothing but links (Link Farms) can damage your PR and set you back on your SEO for years. Your site might get delisted. As a result, some companies never recover.

Remember content is king. Generate lots of content and the search engines will love you. Also, understand that a guarantee on the front page is typically a sign that you need to run in the opposite direction.