Why Should I Pay For Advertising?


What are Google AdWords?  AdWords are Google’s online program that allow you to reach new customers and clients by paying for your ads to appear at the top of the Google listings.  You set your budget, with no minimum commitment – you are in control of your advertising dollars.

Why should you pay to advertise with Google?  Simply put – Google is everywhere.  67.5 percent of all internet searches are done through Google, so more then likely your clients are using Google to do there searching.  How important is it to you for your clients to see you at the top of there search?  Trust me, that is incredibly crucial.

Setting up your AdWords can be tedious, setting up keywords, localization and more can be not only time consuming but also confusing as well.  At All Web n Mobile we have solutions to help you not only with AdWords but with organic search optimization as well.  Organic SEO is the search results underneath the paid advertisements – and while those results can take a lot of time and effort to obtain, you still have your paid ads showing at the top of maximum eyes on your business.

Advertising is the life blood of a business.  Without advertising, how are people supposed to know what you do, where you are or why they should chose you for that particular service?  In this, the digital age – AdWords is a fantastic option for businesses both big and small to get campaigning for business from the those people searching for your particular service.